By Immigrant Students;

For Immigrant Students

By Immigrant Students;

For Immigrant Students

By Immigrant Students;

For Immigrant Students

Did you know?

Did you know? That there are more African immigrants within Africa than outside of the continent.  Africa has more than 40M immigrants – 54% of these African immigrants live within Africa.

This is why Dot is focused on helping the African immigrants digitize their cash, starting with the future of Africa, students.

Did you know? That there are more African immigrants within Africa than outside of the continent.  Africa has more than 40M immigrants – 54% of these African immigrants live within Africa.

This is why Dot is focused on helping the African immigrants digitize their cash, starting with the future of Africa, students.

Did you know?

90% of transactions in Africa are processed in cash.

90% of transactions in Africa are processed in cash.


Spend With Style

With a virtual card, your online purchases are ultra-secure. No need to share your actual card details.

Cash is King!

Boost Your Balance. Fund your Dot wallet with cash at any Pick N Pay stores instantly.

Verify your Identity in 1 Minute

Our KYC process ensures that you're in full control of your account and that your data is protected with the highest standards of security.


Take a selfie to verify your identity and ensure your smooth experience while using the app.

Sign Up

It all begins with a simple sign-up process. Just enter your details to create your Dot account.

Document Submission

To complete KYC, you'll need to provide a few essential documents, like your ID and proof of address. Our system will guide you through this step, making it quick and easy.


Our team will review your documents promptly, ensuring they meet the necessary standards for security and compliance.

The Dot Experience

Topnotch Cashless Experience for Students in Africa

We've walked in your shoes as African students. We know the challenges of being a student navigating cross-border payments and remittances. That's why we've built a platform that's not only secure and efficient but also tailor-made for your unique needs.

Shop on Dot

Shop for goods and products available within your school.

Budget with Dot

Stay on top of your finances with built-in budgeting and expense tracking.

Peer-to-Peer Transfer

Send money to friends and family, even when you're miles apart.

Financial Education

Access resources and tips to build strong financial literacy through the Follow Your Heart newsletter.

Peer-to-Peer Transfers

P2P transfers are the modern way to exchange funds securely and swiftly with the people who matter most. Whether you're splitting bills, sending gifts, or supporting loved ones, our platform ensures your money moves seamlessly.

Stay Connected

Support friends and family, even when you're miles apart.

Split Bills Effortlessly

Dividing expenses among friends or roommates is a breeze.

Celebrate Moments

Send gifts or contributions for special occasions with ease.

Emergency Support

Provide financial assistance when it's needed most, quickly and securely.

Budget & grow with your tribe

Picture this: You and your friends, classmates, or family members have unique financial goals. It could be a dream vacation, a group project, or managing your everyday expenses more efficiently. Our Group Saving and Budgeting features make this journey easier, more engaging, and incredibly rewarding.

Shared Goals

Create, track, and achieve your financial goals collectively. Whether it's a trip, a gift, or a project, everyone contributes to the shared objective.


Say goodbye to financial guesswork. See exactly who contributed what, when, and where it's going. Total transparency keeps everyone on the same page.

Budget Together

Collaboratively create and manage budgets for shared expenses, like rent, utilities, or groceries.

Art project

Feb 13th

+ R20


Feb 13th

+ R10

Art project

Feb 13th

+ R20

Editorial picks for you!

Follow Your Money: Personal Finance Is Not Accounting.

Think of personal finance and accounting as doing laundry. 😌

👉🏾Personal finance is you figuring out what and when to wash👌🏾

👉🏾Accounting is you separating the whites from the red ✨ (income from expenses and debt), pressing your budgets, and hanging your credits. 🤝💰

🙅🏾‍♂️ Don’t get me wrong; Both finance and accounting are crucial components of our personal finance. 👌🏾

Follow Your Money: BuyNow PayLater - Living Large or Sinking Deep?

No doubt, the ability to buy now and worry later can be enticing😋, but as you and I know, you STILL have to pay back by a deadline. 😐

When it comes to Buy Now Pay Later, you can only speed up gratification, not delay your payment (and worries). 🙅🏾‍♂️

Yes, you’re fast-tracking having those pair of Nikes. But you, my friend, are also fast-tracking hidden costs, high-interest rates, and eventually a higher price than what the product is worth. 😩

Follow Your Money: The Neuroscience of Saving.

Not to sound like a broken record but you’ll agree with me that saving money doesn’t come off as easy as spending it. 😆

One of the main challenges in saving money is that it often requires delaying gratification and this, my friends, is not a you thing 🙅🏾‍♂️. Our brains are wired to prioritize short-term rewards over long-term ones.

Even if you are a big futurist, it takes a lot to resist buying those Nike sneakers when graduation is just around the corner. 😉

Having said all this, how do we rewire our brains to master the art of saving money?

Follow Your Money: Slay Your Bills, Not Your Vibes.

In a world where the destiny of e-commerce websites lies on the shoulders of your purse, it is crucial to slay your bills even as you elevate your vibes.

Behold the open secret equation of budgeting…

💫Introducing the 50/30/20 rule popularized by Senator Elizabeth Warren in 2005…

🤌🏾The 50/30/20 rule suggests that you allocate

The Dot Experience

The Dot Experience

Editorial picks for you!

Editorial picks for you!

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Follow your heart

We are creating seamless cashless experience for students in Africa.

Dot HQ

2055 Limestone

Rd STE 200-C,


Delaware, USA

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Copyright © 2023 Dot Inc. All rights reserved.


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Follow your heart

We are creating seamless cashless experience for students in Africa.

Dot HQ

2055 Limestone Rd STE 200-C, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

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Social Media

Copyright © 2023 Dot Inc. All rights reserved.


Privacy Policy

Follow your heart

We are creating seamless cashless experience for students in Africa.

Dot HQ

2055 Limestone

Rd STE 200-C,


Delaware, USA

Contact Us


Social Media

Copyright © 2023 Dot Inc. All rights reserved.


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Familiar cashless experience for students in Africa.

Familiar cashless experience for students in Africa.

Familiar cashless experience for students in Africa.

We built Dot to allow immigrant students in Africa to go from cash to cashless in seconds. Move money digitally. Manage your personal finance. Join a community and follow your heart.



